Happy Anniversary.

So today is July 10th, which happens to be our wedding anniversary. Eric and I are both practical people and we agreed early on that we don’t need to waste money on gifts for Valentine’s Day or Anniversaries. We don’t need material things to commemorate special events (I may change my mind about that ten years from now).

I’m also trying to cut out the sweets and all the sugar I’m addicted to. And Eric has been really good. He does all the grocery shopping and for the past couple years, he’d come home with a yummy chocolatey treat for me. But after putting on a few pounds (times that by 3) he was no longer allowed to bring sugary candy back to the house (that rule may also change in the near future).

However, today, he came home with two slices of a triple-fudge chocolate cream cake from the bakery. And as I’m writing this, I planned on doing what I do best, picking on Eric for bringing this home, but I was talking to my mother who told me to be nice and show my appreciation for Eric’s thoughtfulness. Oh alright… I guess I can do that, this once.

Thanks Eric for that special treat! I won’t even mention having to skip lunch tomorrow and all the extra situps I’ll have to do. Happy Anniversary!


4 Replies to “Happy Anniversary.”

  1. Oh please accept my belated wishes for a Happy Anniversary you two! How many have you made it through now? We just celebrated our 39th last month, but it feels as though we just got married yesterday (well, make that 10 years ago!).

    We don’t do anything special either, except I try to get an annual photograph taken of us so we can giggle about it in future years! Just had a friend take our June 2012 picture yesterday, so we are a bit behind. Couldn’t seem to get dressed up nice enough for a decent photo opt!

    Congrats! You deserve each other from what I’ve read on the blog. And believe it or not, that’s a compliment to you both! XXXOOO

    1. Thanks Cathryn! We’ll take that as a compliment!! And great idea about taking a photo each year! We’ll have to do that! And congratulations on 39 years!!

  2. Congratulations on your Anniversary thanks.I hope you enjoyed the cake. I will see you both at AMB Convention. have fun.:

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