The Jackson Chronicles: Dog Shame


Now below is the photo I happened to take with my phone shortly before these juvenile delinquents bolted. Did I have some sort of premonition? No. I was taking a pic to show Eric how good the dogs were behaving off-leash while he was inside setting up for his class.


Now in my defense, Chance has been to the Richmond, Indiana Fairgrounds several times and he never took off once. It became one of my favorite convention spots because of the wide open space and the opportunity for Chance to exert a lot of energy. It’s tough being a dog and hanging out in a tiny hotel room. And that’s why I thought Indiana would be the perfect place to bring Jackson on his first extended road trip.

Nonetheless, I still was nervous about Jackson taking off. But I needed to give him the opportunity to succeed. And it was completely fenced in except for the entrances on the other side of the building. So I figured this was a no brainer — have faith and he will listen to me because Chance will and Jackson will follow suit.

Huge mistake. Seconds after I took this pic, Jackson hightailed it down the dirt path toward the white building way off in the distance, which is where the basketry convention is being held. Chance didn’t hesitate and took off after him.

What did I do? Run after them of course. But very slowly… I wasn’t wearing my sneakers! However, lucky for me, convention didn’t start yet in that there were no students in the building — Only teachers and vendors setting up. But unlucky for me, I had to call Eric and tell him the dogs were heading his way. I then heard him yell “Jackson!” I knew I was in trouble. And more unlucky for me, Jackson scared the pants off the lovely and sweet coordinator in that he startled her and she screamed.

She later came over and apologized to me for her reaction but I instantly said it was all my fault! Who wouldn’t be startled with a crazy, unknown dog galloping straight for you out of nowhere, in a large building and completely unexpected!

When they were both corralled and sitting in the van with large tongues hanging and panting, all I had to say to the both of them was “Bad Dogs… Very, Very Bad Dogs!”


4 Replies to “The Jackson Chronicles: Dog Shame”

    1. No I don’t think you have told me that Christy!! LOL. So I think you need to drive to Tennessee and stay for the weekend so you can tell me in person!! Ha ha

    1. Oh, it’s funny. I don’t think Eric thought it was very funny… LOL! Sorry you almost choked though! That’s definitely not funny…. 🙂

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