Five Questions Friday: Special Ed

Q:So tell me about your workshop last weekend… I heard you had a well-known basketmaker in your class.
Eric: Yes I did. And who told you? I also don’t want to name drop since you know it’s not my style. But all I will say is he’s from Nantucket.

Q: Come on… name drop? Seriously? What does that mean?
Eric: It means naming names and I guess I could but I don’t want to. Not really sure how to answer that but I rarely talk about my students. You know that saying about Las Vegas? Well, my motto is “What happens in my class, stays in my class.”

Q: Really? Because I’ve heard a couple stories of some of your students. 
Eric: Okay, well maybe a couple, or a few, leak out.

Q: Speaking of name-dropping, I need to call out a person on behalf of my cousin, K. I know that when you have more than a certain number of students, you can bring in a teacher’s assistant. What if I asked my Uncle Ed to be your assistant? And what would he help you with?
Eric: Uhm, I’d pretty much tell him to run to Starbucks for me and then take the rest of the day off.
(yeah, I don’t find that funny.) 

Q: What annoyed you this week?
Eric: Well, as you were asking me this question, that stupid TENA commercial for some kind of leakage I don’t want to know about, that has that woman driving the car singing “Fiiiinnnaaallllyyyyy….!”

And it also shows the people in the theater with the narrator saying “laugh out loud, as loud as possible,” which basically tells people to be totally annoying in public and don’t worry about all the other people you are really ticking off…

it reminds me of that show called the Actor’s Studio or something like that and there was always this woman in the front row that would be laughing so loud, even after everyone else was quiet and would even laugh at things that weren’t even funny and then…
Okay… we get it… you don’t like that commercial that tells people to sing and laugh really loud as they want.
Eric: Well, that really annoys me when people laugh out loud at something that is not funny at all.


7 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Special Ed”

  1. Ha, I know who it was. He was looking at my website and the baskets and classes I have had with Eric. I am trying to talking him into coming to one of Eric’s classes here in St. Louis.

    1. Oh that would be great! We will see him again in September when Eric teaches on Nantucket again… not because he will be a student but we are going to visit his gallery. I’m looking forward to that.

  2. Lynne, I’ll text you in a bit to find out who Eric’s Nantucket student was…the investigator in me must know!

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