Five Questions Friday: Mr. Basketmaker Asks His B.I.L.

As “hinted to” last week, MB (Mr. Basketmaker) is asking his BIL (Brother-in-law, Tripp) today’s Five Questions.

Q from MB: How do u like getting 5 questions sprung on you at 8 pm Friday?
BIL: It feels a little unprofessional on your part.
Suck it up Buttercup. Welcome to my life every Friday night.

Q from MB: If you were reincarnated as an insect which would it be and why?
BIL: Mrs. Tripp says she would like to be reincarnated as a ladybug, so since I would love to live life with her again, I’d also like to be reincarnated as a ladybug… Well, a guy ladybug that is.
I’m not gonna comment on that…

Q from MB: I heard it’s been 6 months since it’s been 70 degrees up there. How’s that make u feel?
BIL: First of all, that statement is not true. It was almost 80 degrees a couple weeks back.  But truthfully, it is what it is and I pretty much enjoy all the seasons so I’m ok with winter weather.
Total denial…. And by “almost 80 degrees” that means it was 60 degrees. I know, I used to live in New Hampshire.

Q from MB: Being the younger brother of two sisters, who tormented you the most?
BIL: That’s a tough one since I was an immature brat and was really the one tormenting them.  But if I have to pick one, I guess I’d have to say Lynne.  Our personalities are more similar and once I did something mean to her, she would rightfully give it back to me.
Yeah, I could see that.

Q from MB: What aggravated you this week?
BIL: Ok, this is easy.  I backed into a parked car coming out of my garage!  Beyond annoying… I let the expletives fly! Bonus aggravation answer is this: I absolutley can’t stand it when people are too lazy to walk 10 or 15 feet to return their grocery carts to the cart holding bin in the parking lot. Double bonus answer: JUD aggravated me (yes, I’m still not over it).
Whose parked car was in your driveway? And I agree with you on the grocery carts. But Jud? You’re still not over it?


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