Lots of fluffy cuteness going on in the workshop…

It hasn’t just been baskets being created in the workshop. Currently we are fostering 8 kittens!

It all started with a tiny cat who looked just like our CoCo Kitty, but much smaller. She kept showing up at our front door and was very sweet. We decided we would keep her but when we brought her in to the vet to be looked at and get spayed, we found out she was pregnant. We were shocked. What are we going to do with a pregnant cat?

Within a few weeks, she had 3 kittens. And they were so cute… two tigers and an all-black one like her. We can handle 3 kittens and get them adopted. Easy peasy. Then, a couple days later while out walking with Izzy, we heard the cries of a kitten next to our shed. After further digging, I discovered a feral cat with 5 kittens! So now we were caring for a brood inside the workshop and a bigger one out in our shed. Eventually, the feral cat’s kittens were ready to be taken away and brought inside. But first they needed a good bath since they all had fleas.

That went smoother than we thought but by “Spot’s” face, you can tell they were not happy about it.

After all were washed and dried, they were ready to join Mini Kitty and her 3 kittens. Not only did “Mini” welcome the addition, but so did Izzy. Every day we have to let her inside the “kitten area” to say ‘hello’ or else she will stand by whining for hours, until she’s able to lick each kitten. This really annoyed Mr. Basketmaker.

All the kittens are approximately 7 weeks old. They now climb out of the “kitten area” with ease and have begun roaming all around the workshop. Not really what we had planned. But they are healthy, eating a lot and completely litter box trained, which is great. All the cat food they eat we were not expecting. How can such tiny kittens eat so much???

Now for the really good news. I reached out to a local organization here, HAWC (Helping animals of Warren County), and one of their volunteers helped me get four of the kittens adopted. And I was able to adopt out two myself. Technically, they are only “claimed” because I wanted to keep the kittens a little longer with their siblings so they will be well-socialized. Following are all the kittens. I needed to make a picture chart just to keep track! Only two are left, Bear and Graycie.

The Feral Mama Cat is still in the shed. We feed her every day. She sleeps in a dog kennel we put in there. On Tuesday, if we can catch her, she is going to the vet to be spayed so there will not be anymore unwanted kittens from her at least. If anyone is in need of a barn cat, she would make a good one.


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